
Reinventing Myself! Stop caring what others think!

  Hey there, Gods/Goddesses! Today, I want to talk about something that has been on my mind lately: reinventing ourselves and breaking free from the shackles of others' opinions. Life is a constant journey of growth, and it's time we prioritize our own happiness above societal expectations. Reinvention begins with self-acceptance. We must embrace our true selves, quirks and all. Remember, you are a unique individual with dreams and passions that deserve to be nurtured. Don't let fear or the judgment of others dictate your choices. Embrace your authenticity unapologetically. One crucial step towards reinvention is detaching ourselves from the opinions of others. People will always have something to say, but their opinions shouldn't define us. The only validation we need is from ourselves. So, let go of the need for external approval and focus on your own self-worth. Reinventing yourself requires stepping out of your comfort zone. Explore new interests, challenge your lim

Reprogramming and starting over!

  Reprogramming your mindset is a powerful tool for personal growth and self-improvement. See my Ebook for more- Our mindset influences the way we perceive the world, approach challenges, and make decisions. By changing our mindset, we can transform our lives for the better. The first step in reprogramming your mindset is to identify your current patterns of thinking. Do you have a negative or fixed mindset that holds you back? Do you struggle with self-doubt or limiting beliefs? Once you understand your current mindset, you can start to challenge it and replace it with a more positive and growth-oriented one. One effective way to reprogram your mindset is through affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself daily. They can help you rewire your brain and replace negative thoughts with more empowering ones. For example, instead of saying "I can't do this," you could say &quo

Staying Positive (Create your Mindset)

  How to Stay Positive When You Are  i n a Negative Environment   We often end up being in a negative environment for a short time or sometimes even for a long term. The best example to this is unemployment. In this economic condition when everyone is losing his or her jobs, negativity often sets into a person. Some people who lose their jobs get a new job within a short span of time, while others have to wait. Some people live optimistically to land some job one day or the other while others get into a depression. However, studies show that optimistic people achieve greater success. This means a person who keeps hope lands up a job faster than one who gets frustrated.    The frustration and depression reflects on your cover letter and that results in denial of jobs by the employer. An employer can easily find out a low self-esteemed person from a high esteemed person. A low esteemed person has lesser productivity. Therefore, why should a company employ a person who has less productivi


 This summer I’ve learned that meditation on a daily basis is necessary! I pray 3 to 4 times a day and if I have a feeling of boredom arise throughout the day I pray, meditate and practice gratitude. However, Prayer is the most powerful tool you can use in your life, being closer to God. Meditation is the most powerful tool as being closer to self. Mind, Body and Spirit is what we should prioritize in our lives. No evil eye or anyones negative thoughts or energy shall win against me! I have the power to eliminate any wrongdoers that tries to tear me down.  In addition, by practicing this lifestyle, I feel completeness. As a whole! I’ve learn that I’m more powerful this way.  I’m more alert this way. I’m more blessed this way. I’m grateful!

Life of an influencer

 The life of a content creator can be tough. I’ve been a content creator for about 10 years now. I’ve struggled with YouTube and many of my social media platforms in the beginning of my journey. What I really have to say for my influencers is; don’t give up! Being in this business was a little rough in the beginning but now I’m getting deals with pretty little thing, savage x and more! The gag is I’ve been a branded partner with gain weight companies and healthy product companies for years. I’m finally expanding my brand with different brands of the content creator world. I just received a paid continuous deal with a major company that I will reveal as soon as they release the pictures. It’s exciting to venture into new things and get paid doing it. I’ve influenced so many people around me to become content creators! Friends, family and even my sunbird and followers! I’m happy to give more tips during my journey and how you can make big bucks from big companies without a big following!

This Changed MY Life!

  A Routine Changed my life! Live life intentionally!  Be mindful of each moment by creating a positive and productive routine for yourself. 1) I say my prayers before my self care rituals. 2) I mediate and sit in silence with myself. 3) I say 3 things I’m grateful for. 4) I try to read 3 to 5 pages of a self development book or listen to a self love podcast. 5) get my body moving with some yoga or exercise!  6) Sip my tea in silence in full mindfulness actually tasting ever sip!  I hope this routine will help encourage you to make one for yourself. Subscribe to my YouTube; Listen to the podcast-

A day of Release and Relaxing/ 5 Tips to Release Stress

 Today I’ve decided to release the stress and just take it easy. Sometimes self care is just burning a candle listening to your favorite music or self love podcast. Whatever seems to bring joy into your life do it. Take a nice bath or long hot shower. Burn some incense and say some affirmations! Listen to some smooth jazz or watch a fave comedy. Detach ourselves from the negative side of the world and put our mind into a peaceful and content state. Happiness always comes from within no outside sources. We have to decide if we want to become happy or not. But it’s something about being peaceful and content that just sits with me so easy.  5 Tips to Relieve Stress 1. Take some time to yourself. Go for a walk, meditate, read a book for 20 minutes. 2. Set boundaries. Don’t over extend yourself! Always learn to say no when you are tired or exhausted. 3. Journal. Put your thoughts on paper and release them. Don’t worry about it, just write about it and let it go!  4. Mediate/Exercise. Medita